Saturday, April 14, 2007

Welcome to my blog

Hello there happy people! For those of you who don't know me, my name is Vickie and I am a Disciple of the Father Elsen in the wonderful world of Mernac.

So what do I do? Well, I wander about Mernac looking for stories that are missing connections. You see, connections are what help the stories be understood...for instance, if you are reading a story and see a reference to Koomba Treats but you don't know what Koomba Treats are, you can just look at the list of Connections to the left side of the story and click on Koomba Treats. And voila! you now know what Koomba Treats are.

There's not much else that I can tell you right now, so I'd best be getting back to wandering Mernac finding all those missing connections!


Quont said...

Well done Vickie dear... Must invite you to the Marble Palace sometime. ;-)

r said...

I am pleased with your blog, Vickie. It allows me to communicate to you without being in your presence. Yes, I am pleased indeed.