Friday, April 20, 2007

Something is afoot in Mernac...

I can feel that there is change in the air. Fire is sensitive to the slightest breeze, and so it is that I can sense the slightest changes in Mernac. The Mother Siberlee is planning something, and Father Elsen is working with Father Barak to prepare the Fathers' Army.

Goran Tulkin, Father Elsen's other Disciple, seems to have dreamed about the changes coming to Mernac. Being an Earth Disciple makes his thoughts more coherent than mine could ever hope to be, so you should read his thoughts if you want to know more. All I know is that Mother Siberlee is worried by myself and Goran, and by Father Quont's recruitment of Disciples so She is planning to recruit some Disciples of Her own.

I must go now and work on connecting the scrolls of Mernac, for I feel that those connections will prove important in whatever changes are coming. Since Father Elsen will be kept away from His domain while He helps Father Barak, perhaps He will let me stay there for a few days...I hear it's a great place to relax.

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