Wednesday, May 2, 2007

So Siberlee wants to do something "good"

It is becoming clearer now why the Fathers are so concerned about Siberlee's plans. I guess she thinks that things will go in favor of the Mothers if this idea of "good" catches on.

I have been wandering the Scrolls making connections and still it amazes me how everything is interlinked on Mernac. Explain that, you ask? Ah, the best way for you to understand is to read the stories and pay attention to the connections shown on the Scrolls. For example, the Scroll "Mootil" contains connections to two other stories which explain things mentioned in this Scroll. If you click on one of those connections, it will take you to the other story and that story will have connections. That is why I must work diligently at making these connections -- for good or evil, it must be revealed how everything on Mernac is connected to everything else.

It must go now and continue my duties, for Father Elsen may yet need my assistance as Siberlee's plan moves forward.

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