Tuesday, July 31, 2007

My Goal In Life - in response to Quont's Question of the week

Father Quont has posted a most excellent question to blog on this week - "tell us about one of your goals in life". This one I can do, :-)

I'm sure some of you are going to be surprised to hear that one of my goals in life is not to be a writer. Nor is it to be an artist.

I want to get my photos published by an actual publisher, in a book or a magazine or even just a brochure. So that is the one goal that I am trying to pursue, although not as actively as I should.

I take my camera almost everywhere I go, even to work (which has led to some paranoid co-workers LOL). You just never know when you'll be struck with the realization that this place, at this very moment, is perfect, and you'll never get this moment over again so you better grab the camera and record it for posterity!

I put my dream on hold, I suppose, so that I could hang onto what is becoming a rarity, a full-time job with full benefits. Perhaps it's time to rethink that and put other things on hold so that I can pursue the photography more.

And that, my friends, is one of my goals in life. Not the only one, but the one that I am still holding onto with all my heart. I hope you enjoy the pictures, and maybe I'll post more later.


ND/Botr said...

Fine goals they are indeed. Plus a bonus of some great images. Aim for the stars and over shoot the moon.

Quont said...

What a wonderful passion Vickie! Indeed, share more of your photos with us. You have much talent!

Sorcia said...

These are beautiful Vickie! I wish I had an eye for stuff like that. Wow. Yes, pursue your dreams and hold on tight!

Traesha/Kachinadoll said...

Oh Vickie, these are fantastic! My minor in college was Photography, however I have not pursued the art in a very long time. You should pursue your dream. It's hard to give up all that makes you safe and secure but are you really happy?

Morgan L Evans said...

I particularly like the blueberries, and I'm pretty amazed at the details you've brought out in the flowers. Every time I try to shoot flowers the blossoms seem to wash out almost completely. This is very nice work.

Vickie said...

Thank you all for your comments! I've decided to start pursuing the photography more actively so there should be more photos in the future. I'm even going to be brave and submit some to publications ;-)

Morgan, I've always loved photographing flowers and fruits. My only secret is turning off the flash and compensating for it with a slower shutter speed.