Sunday, August 5, 2007

A short post on a rather scary thought

When I need a laugh, I go to the bug report forum at Mernac because that's where all the funny posts are.

Bottled Djinn, Gorilla Sucubbi and a new snack product are just a small sample of what awaits in this thread (not to mention a certain Disciple's grandchildren wanting to visit the darkside for cookies). What, you ask, do these things have to do with reporting problems with the website? Nothing, but at least it's guaranteed to bring a smile to your face by the time you're done reading through the thread.


Traesha/Kachinadoll said...

This is so true! I love this thread!

I also wanted to wish you a belated Happy Birthday! Hope your day was great!

Vickie said...

Thanks Traesha!